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What PainSolv users say...

Here are a selection of unsolicted Customer Testimonials we have received over the years from around the World for our PainSolv® device.

“I’ve had a PainSolv for many years - in fact I have three of the units which I have used successfully since you first manufactured them. I have the other two as a back up in case one of them goes wrong, as I rely on the product so much to allow me to live a full life. I simply could not be without one and I can tell you I would not be alive without the product because of the levels of pain I have had to endure before discovering your product.”
Mr D Shaw, Doncaster

"Thank you for dealing with my problem so promptly. I had not really expected to receive a new Painsolv, so it came as a really nice surprise. My last experience of 'customer care' elsewhere did not inspire confidence so it is nice to know that some companies still believe in looking after their customers. I have been using the new one and it is working well. Many thanks and best wishes"

J D Pollinger, Cheshire

"I've received the replacement unit.  Thank you very much for excellent customer service and understanding."

Mr D Lower, London

"Thanks for you very kind letter and complimentary gift! Words are inadequate to express how touched I have been. You are certainly a very special lady with strong ethics to be proud of.

Ms P Green, Eastbourne

"I recently ordered DermaBalm from Natures Naturals in desperation as I have suffered really bad psoriasis on my knees in particular, which seemed to get worse after I retired around a year ago. Nothing that my GP practice has given me to try and treat it has worked at all. 

But after just one bottle I am amazed to confim that my knees are clear and I am now working on other areas of my body that are affected. Being an ex-bodybuilder I have large thighs and knees so the severe psoriasis is both embarrassing and debilitating. DermaBalm has changed all that and I can now wear shorts again which is a total blessing.  One of the GPs in my local practice is a skin specialist and has been astonished at the difference this product has made and I recommend it to everyone I know with the problem both here and in the USA. I would be more than delighted to allow you to use this testimonial anywhere you wish - I couldn't live without this wonder product! Thank you so much!"

Bill Passmoor, Chester-le-Street, Durham

"I recently had my Painsolv repaired by you and have to say that your Customer Service is second to none. It is an absolute pleasure to deal with a Company that genuinely cares about its customers. In this throw away society, I was fully expecting to have to purchase a new unit, but it has been returned to me as good as new and functioning even better than before. Thank you to all – I shall be spreading the word."

D Tierney, Shropshire

"PainSolv is the most wonderful device. It treats my spasms as well as pain and is an indispensable part of my pain management armoury. We call 'bull frog' because of the noise it makes! My new Painsolv has arrived today and thank you for a prompt despatch once you had received my vat exemption information that I had delayed sending you because of a fourth relapse of cellulitis of my right hand. My current Painsolve has been a mainstay of my pain relief for this awful condition. The one ordered is a spare should I need one so indispensable it is."

Christine Love, Pinner, Middx


"My Painsolv arrived safely to-day. I wish to say thank you and all for your kindness and efficiency.I also want to wish you all a very happy Christmas season and all my good wishes for the year 2016."Sincerely yours,"

Malachy McEvoy


"I ordered the PainSolv Mk5 unit by telephone from Agora last week and it arrived here on Wednesday morning of this week 22nd October. After careful perusal of the very comprehensive and informative instruction manual – also produced to a very high standard – I realised that although I did not have the time to follow the treatment plan to the letter - 3x3 10 minute treatments per day for the first two weeks - I would fit in the maximum that I could and rotate a forward program with each of my affected joints starting with my hands.


I have two major chronic conditions, Poly-osteo arthritis and Diabetes type 2 with neuropathy complications in both feet and both hands. I commenced treatments to my hands on Wednesday afternoon – 2x1 on each hand using the acupuncture points as described in the manual and also direct to thumbs and knuckles on a repeat cycle of 6 six pulses to each until the Painsolv unit switched itself off.


I did the same again later on Wednesday evening. On Thursday morning – yesterday – I did 2x1 treatments to each hand, and then repeated Wednesday’s treatments in the afternoon and evening.


This morning I have completed 2x1 treatments to each hand and will repeat the later daily treatments. Stunning results! I have regained the full movement in my right thumb which has been severely limited since I broke the Scaphoid bone at the base of my right thumb seven years ago.


Swelling has visibly diminished on both hands and they are now demonstrably warmer to the touch and with greater ‘feeling’, they are no longer almost completely numb and stone cold. Overall there seems to be a gradual beneficial effect all over, I can almost feel the pain draining away, even though I am only treating my hands at the minute.


The next areas to treat will be my feet – both conditions present – then I will move to major joints, frozen left shoulder, elbows, hips, knees, lower spine etc.


Just in two days I am using considerably less Extract of Green Lipped Mussel cream and Arnica gel on my feet and hands. Overall, this unit seems to be a very sound investment, and not just from the perspective of pain relief. I usually spend approx £600 per annum on acupuncture alone, which is wonderful and works very well for me, but I also spend at least that again on creams, over the counter pain relief – Nuromol – and various other ‘herbal’ remedies.


Further, it is far better than a ‘Tens’ unit. I had one some years ago which was a) a right bind to use and b) seemed to aggravate my arthritis. I ‘junked’ prescription ‘narcotic’ some years ago because of the side effects; I was either catatonic with the pain, or similar with the effects of the prescription pain control. And talk about the hallucinations on it! A mixture of Paracetamol, Ibuprofen, Tramadol and in some instances Dia-Morphine.

I have this morning recommended the Painsolv unit to a friend for his Mum who has thundering arthritis. I’ll keep you posted as to progression over the forthcoming weeks; as an aside I really do think that you need to approach the DoH to get this available on prescription or at least part funded in the same way as ‘Tens’ appliances are. Anyway, thanks again."

Steve Warner

"I am proof that PainSolv really works. I couldn't walk at the beginning of the year and was in terrible pain constantly, which was caused by polymyalgia rheumatica. The PainSolv has helped me with the pain in my muscles and joints amazingly." 

Sue Denney, IoM


"My problems are an arthrosic left knee with 4/5 right meniscus damage & 6 months tendonitis. And for this condition: Yes, PainSolv IS OF GREAT HELP & PAIN RELIEF! The funny thing is when i tend to forget (good news), the pain starts to come back." 

Lydia Thiry, Luxembourg


"I have been using my PainSolv Device which I got from a reseller just 4 days ago and already I have been able to stop taking pain meds which is amazing. Really really impressed!" 

Ken Richardson, Gloucester


"A somewhat belated thanks for your prompt reply to my query about how often one can use the Painsolv. I have now had it for several weeks and am beginning to realise that it has a stress relieving effect longer-term if one uses it regularly. Not only am I sleeping better but I am also rushing about less in everyday activities – though not achieving less, just doing things more systematically. I am sure that the Painsolv has something to do with this. Thank you for being so helpful throughout this transaction." 

Sheila Harrison, Dundee


"I bought one of these for my wife, in a desperate attempt to get her relief from constant pain from Osteoporosis and Arthritis. The regular painkillers prescribed by her GP did not have much (if any) effect, just made her feel more than 1 degree under the weather all the time. A regular boost from PainSolve (as and when the pain is overbearing) has brought relief within minutes. So impressed with this little miracle, that we have now bought a second - just in case we misplace or lose the original - we can't be without it ! Highly recommended." 

John Stewart, Chelmsford


"Bought this PainSolv for my Mam as she has severe open wound Leg Ulcers. She only had it a couple of days and was impressed, so much so she has gone on to order another so she can have 2 going at the same time on both legs!!!!!" 

Coral Dart 


"Does what it said on the tin :-) Wife is really pleased with it" 

Mr S Finney


"I am an ex-boat builder and have been very active in the RNLI for over 34 years. I also have an keen interest in Reiki, supported by an ITEC Diploma in Anatomy, Physiology and Massage (Credit). Long periods of working on my knees laying decks (no knee pads in those days!) resulted in my suffering intense pain in both knees, presented as a stabbing pain behind the patella and a sensation of tightness around the joints. This all meant I suffered badly going up and down stairs, even when I got up from a sitting position. I am really thrilled with the results of using PainSolvand getting in and out of the car is now a doddle, completely free of pain. It is now a joy to walk to the shops instead of using the car. I have now recommended PainSolv to several friends. Something I would never do unless I was totally convinced, but yes, it really does work!" 

Ian Taylor, Uxbridge


"I have a real bad left shoulder that my chiropractor said was frozen and it had just 5% movement in it. I'm 76 years old and the pain was so bad it brought me to tears. I visited my Doctor and he gave me cortisone shots which didn't work. Tylenol tablets just didn't touch the pain and they affected me badly! I got my PainSolv in the mail and within two days of using it I was pain-free. That was way back in November 2013 and since then I have not looked back. I don't use it much now and when the pain starts to return I use my PainSolv and within 48hrs it has gone. I have told my doctor that I will not be having any cortisone injections and I now don't need an operation on it! I swear by this device and I am now ordering one for my son. I am a religious man who doesn't lie and I am telling you that I believe in this amazing device 100% and it has saved me thousands of dollars in medical fees already! I simply cannot find enough ways to explain how amazing this product is. It has been nothing short of a miracle!" 

John Riech, Illinois, USA 


"I use the Pain Solve device on all my horses, dogs, cats and have used it to help heal my ducks broken wing with excellent results, Pain Solve keeps Roly my competition driving pony free from any sore muscle’s and is used all over his body to help keep him moving freely his results speak for them self, excellent device." 

Sue Denney, Denney Equestrian, IoM


"In the time that I have been using this PainSolv device, I am quite surprised how effective it has been in my cervical and thoracic spine area. And now that I have not been using it, the pain has all returned. I have mentioned to family and friends about how impressed how I've been. Thanks for help!" 

Mr T Russotti, Australia


“I hurt my back at work and as I do gardening and forestry I cannot afford to lose time, but the pain was so bad I contemplated taking the next day off. Then my friend lent me a spray of this activity formula and told me to apply it twice - once straight away and once before I went to bed. Nothing had worked including the strongest painkillers I could get my hands on. This stuff was totally amazing! I was at work next morning and felt really good. When I went to bed I felt rough but within an hour I was almost pain free and when I woke up the pain was still hardly there. I would recommend this to anyone who does manual work or sports - it is quicker than a freeze spray believe me.”

G Coe, Northamptonshire


"As a woman of 54 who has had no children, I was dismayed and alarmed to suddenly develop slight bladder incontinence. I have been a long distance runner however, and have read that this can be a result of the running over many years. Notwithstanding this, I suspected an infection but lab tests were negative. Along with others, I get cystitis type symptoms when I accidentally take aspartame or other sweeteners hiding in drinks etc. and have carefully eliminated these. I suspected an infection could be lurking in the bladder wall as I know this can be present and undetected with conventional medical tests but in the absence of proof I could not get antibiotics. My doctor suggested pelvic floor exercises. Before going down that route, I thought I would try my Painsolv - which has worked for me already for angina, depression, chronic fatigue and hair loss. I used the Painsolv in both wound and stress settings. I aimed it downwards from just above the pelvic bone to where I believe my bladder is situated, also I used it (as far as I could work out) in a position that should send the beam upwards into the bladder via the urethra (the tube that empties the bladder). Within a few days I have about 99% cessation of the problem and intend to keep going till I feel it is 100%. Ladies, you can imagine how happy I am to be free of this upsetting and embarrassing problem that can make one feel so old. I would guess it would work for gentlemen too and wonder about those who suffer with prostate problems-they might be helped. My other half thankfully does not suffer this way so have no anecdote to share from the male perspective." 

Mrs R T, Sussex


"I have to tell you about my experience with PainSolv which came after I suffered many allergies, and after failed treatment for these, I became very sensitive to pain medication, which produced under eye swelling every time I took normal doses of e.g. paracetamol or ibuprofen. So I purchased a PainSolv to deal with aches and pains that I’d normally have taken oral medication for. The first thing I used the PainSolv on, was my lower back. I have had a series of accidents involving impact on my lower back, including a car crash. My lower back has chronic soft tissue damage, and, is prone to severe muscle spasm, sprains, and slipping a disc from time to time. This causes acute pain. When this happens, I can be unable to stand up straight or walk. I can just about get to the bathroom bent double! I find that the PainSolv is very effective in relieving this pain when applied to the source of the pain, on the stress setting (surprisingly from my experience, for this type of pain, stress is better than the pain setting). Sometimes after a spasm where my back locks, if I go straight to using the PainSolv, the injury does not progress, and instead of having to be in bed for a week or so, I am more or less OK to carry on my day as normal after a time. I use the PainSolv most days to cope with the residual (as opposed to acute) back pain that, unfortunately, as with many back pain sufferers, I find never seems to completely go away, and I have found the PainSolv excellent for this. (I have also found that Pilates and holding in my stomach muscles when lifting helps the injury not to recur.) I am a huge fan of PainSolv and recommend it to all my friends and in fact anybody who mentions pain." 

Mrs B Tyrrell, Herts 


"Several months ago, I was struck down with sciatica and was unable to play golf for many months. As well as being made worse by doctors prescribing me painkillers which had so many side-effects it wasn't worth the trouble, I had to wait for over 20 weeks for physiotherapy, which only made matters worse. I was quite depressed about the whole episode when I discovered PainSolv through the recommendation of my cousin, who swears by it. I have tried several other devices to help relieve my pain but PainSolv is far and away better than all of them put together in my view." 

A Baylis, Castle Donington


"I'm the Chief Administrator, Complementary Medical Association and just wanted to let you know that I received my PainSolv and I am delighted! I have had 3 previous bouts of what my GP thinks is cellulitis on my nose and had to have anti-biotics twice. It was starting again so I used it on my nose twice that day and by night time the redness and puffiness had gone. My husband was amazed! He then woke one morning with a red, hot patch on his ankle (sore and itchy) and voila, after one application it had gone! Brilliant!" 

Roberta MacMillan MCMA, Hawick


"I use the PainSolv medical device to treat all sorts of pain conditions for myself and my family with tremendous results. All in all, I am most impressed with PainSolv and would happily recommend it to anyone." 

Mr D Roberts, Staffs


"I have suffered from fibromyalgia and migraines for several years and I am so pleased to have found PainSolv products. The relief you have brought me is very much appreciated. Please accept my heartiest thanks." 

Mrs Y Boyd, Donegal


"My whole family has benefited from using PainSolv and it is now an essential part of our luggage! Our 11yr old son has suffered knee pain due to Osgood- Schlattes disease (growing pains) and the device helped him almost instantly! As a fitness instructor, I often suffer from aches and pains and tried it out on a recurring calf injury and was delighted with the results. Then my husband tried it on his dull lower back pain which he had suffered for many years and the relief was dramatic" 

Sarah Bragg, Leics 


"I have been suffering from a recalcitrant leg ulcer for over two months which was about 4mm deep and a diameter of almost 20mm, which has been very uncomfortable and inconvenient. Progress using compression bandages and creams from the surgery was frustratingly slow. But then four weeks ago I tried PainSolv on the wound and I am so pleased that I no longer have to wear a compression bandage because the ulcer has healed! This would not have healed so speedily without the daily use of PainSolv." 

B P Linke, Chelveston


"I have a condition called Polymyalgic Rheumatica which is linked to Osteoarthritis which I have suffered for many years. It all got worse when I moved back to the UK (I had lived aborad for over 35 years). The pain was fairly constant and affected several parts of my body. When I was given the PainSolv to try I did not think for one minute it would help with my problems, which affected me worse in my hands and fingers, preventing me from doing the baking, cooking and art I so enjoyed, but I am amazed to say it has changed my life for the better. I would heartily recommend it to anyone with any type of chronic pain condition." 

Mrs I Horey, Geddington


"I tripped on the stairs and badly twisted my ankle, damaging ligaments and tendons in the process. I could not drive for a month and had to walk with the aid of crutches. My doctor told me it would take up to a year to heal properly. I used PainSolv and found it to be excellent in helping to relieve my pain and it helped me to gain full 'pain free' mobility much sooner than he anticipated." 

Mrs Shirley Foster, Essex

"I do a lot of running and have recently competed in The Great North Run. Inevitably my training schedule has resulted in several minor injuries for various reasons, all of which inevitably include pain. I have used the PainSolv product very successfully on a number of pain conditions including knee pain and ankle pain." 

A Setterfield, Cleveland


"I have suffered with Carpal Tunnel Syndrome for many years and have had an operation on my right hand. The problem has now become worse on my left hand and a friend suggested I should try PainSolv, which I did. Within a few days the pain had eased considerably and I am very hopeful now that I will not require further surgery as the difference PainSolv has made is dramatic." 

Carol Talbot, Northampton


"I suffered painful burns to my lips and mouth due to battery acid ingestion and was amazed how PainSolv quickly reduced the discomfort and swelling. I have also had great relief when I used it on numerous other painful muscular injuries " 

Mrs Penni Robson Leics 


"I am so pleased I bought the PainSolv from you! Well worth the effort on your part - I am eternally grateful and thoroughly endorse everything you said...words cannot describe what PainSolv has done for my arthritis...and your customer service manager is a lovely lady too!" 

Sandra Brindred, Norwich


"I suffer from a frozen shoulder and when I injured myself moving barrels in my busy restaurant business four weeks ago, the pain gradually got so bad that I couldn't even brush my own hair. I was unable to lift my hand above waist level, the pain was so bad. I remembered reading about the PainSolv in the Sunday Express and decided to try it out. It was the best decision I could have made because within 6 days, I was able to move my arm so that I could even wrap my hand around my head without any real discomfort. I am so impressed that I just had to write and tell you - I would definitely recommend anyone who suffers long-term pain to try this very impressive medical device." 

Tony Reavey, Northants


"I cannot understand why my friends don't invest in your PainSolv. Since I bought mine in December 2011 it has been amazing and has sorted all my aches and pains. It is a great piece of kit, works well, does what it says on the tin, but could be tougher as when in pain it is easy to fumble and keep dropping it if you haven't used the wrist lanyard. Superb product - does what it says which is quite unusual!" 

Mr L Lane, Perthshire


"My PainSolv has proved to be quite magnificent. Six years ago after an MRI scan, my consultant said that he was unable to do anything about the osteo-arthritis in my back and that I would just have to continue to take the (strong) painkillers I was on. My back problems were later compounded by arthritis in one leg. Since using PainSolv for about 4 years, I have only had to recourse to painkillers on rare occasions. Therefore, while I cannot claim that PainSolv has cured me, it has certainly made life very much easier (I am now 78 years old) and I am not afflicted by the probable side effects of NSAIDS." 

Cmdr K H Forbes, Hants


"We received the PainSolv unit yesterday and this morning we did 2 x 4 min sessions on my wife's scar tissue. She immediately did not felt any pain where she had pain 24 x 7, it is now 7 hour later and she still feels very good. We are so grateful!" Mr J Lange, South Africa

"I think PainSolv is great and it has definitely sorted out my 'trigger-thumb' for me. Also, thanks for sorting out a spare charger for me!" 

Ms C Catto, London


"I bought my PainSolv because I have severe arthritis and I am pleased to say it has given me some relief. I use it on my neck, shoulder and wrists and although I know nothing will cure me, anything that helps is wonderful. I sit in my chair and use PainSolv while I am watching TV - it is so simple! Thanks for selling me my PainSolv and fingers crossed it will continue to help me." 

Mrs B White, Lancashire 

"After living a life of pain and taking a ton of tablets, at last I have found something to help me ease the continuous pain. It is only after using all the products available and then comparing them with PainSolv's superiority that I can report on the help it is giving me. The shape of PainSolv also makes it very easy to hold. I have received so many comments on how much better I now appear to be since starting to use the PainSolv and I would like to thank you for giving me the chance to compare the product and see and feel the benefits." 

Mrs J Gregory, Notts

"I am very pleased with the PainSolv which I use for chronic arthritis and I know progress will be slow as I have had it for years. I have also used it on my husband's back (L5/S1) which was playing up and I gave treatment 4 days ago and he has had no problems since! I have already recommended your product to five friends! Thank you." 

Mrs King, Tyne and Wear

"I am so thrilled with my PainSolv as it is the only thing that keeps me going! I have plantar fasciitis and as I work in a hospital injuries unit, I am on my feet all day. PainSolv is the only thing that works to give me relief and that is in spite of me getting 'inside' treatment where I work." 

Mrs D Varney, Yorkshire


"I bought a Painsolv device a few weeks ago on the internet. It works!! Thanks." 

Mr D Cannon, Ireland

"I use PainSolv and am a satisfied customer! However, I am in South Africa. It took some time before my order arrived. I wish to order three more PainSolv for my relatives." 

Mrs R T Brock, S Africa


"As a user of your PainSolv device with excellent results, my wife has decided to buy another device to send to a relative in Spain. I was very impressed to find you have an instruction booklet in Spanish and that you supply chargers for that country also. Regards and thanks!" 

Mr T Humphreys, Essex

"I've found it impossible to use Painsolv for as long as you had suggested, but I do feel that, in combinations with the balm you sent and some tendon-stretching exercises my trainer gave me, the leg cramps have significantly improved. If you could make the treatment time less it would be perfect! I have had small cramps most nights, but they haven't been as strong and not nearly as painful as they have been over the last year or so. I don't think you can argue with not waking up two or three times each night with cramps! Thank you very much for your help on the phone. Many thanks." 

Ms S Bittker, Scotland


"I applied the PainSolv as you suggested and am glad to say that the pain has been reduced and the strong pain killers I was taken at the time I have now discontinued. Using the stress setting on the 3 points of my wrists it has brought down my blood pressure reading better than the tablets I have used! All in all I am quite pleased with the results so far and I will be able to walk a lot further and with more confidence." 

Mr R Burkitt, Hampshire

"Thanks for the unit - it works like a dream! And thanks so much for such a prompt service!" 

Ms S Mead, Herts

"I purchased one of your PainSolv machines to help me cope with a lot of pain I experience with arthritic finger joints and also an incredibly painful elbow joint. To my unbridled joy, I gained almost full relief within less than a single day and it has lasted too! I did have a problem though, because my daughter had read the User Guide and told me she was concerned that it stated it might not be safe to use near an implanted cardiac pacemaker. So, she arranged for me to attend George Eliot Hospital NHS Trust in Nuneaton to have the unit tested on various parts of my body by a qualified Cardiac Technician. I was covered in pads and wired up to the ECG machine and while it was still working the PainSolv® was applied to almost every joint in my body as well as over soft tissue, including near the implant, with no side-effects! I think people complain enough these days, so should make the effort to congratulate companies for doing something good for people. Thank you PainSolv." 

Mr Burgess, Hinckley

"Since suffering severe injury following an explosion, where I was trapped beneath rubble, I spent 7 months in hospital, when I was a young woman. Since then my life has slowly become almost unbearable due to the constant pain, which TENS, TSE and drugs have done nothing to help at all. I saw PainSolv in Viva and bought one. It has given me the will to live a fuller life and I feel so much better that I had to purchase a spare product so that I always have one ready to use." 

Mrs Ellis, Gloucs

"I have received my PainSolv and would like to tell you how pleased I am with your service (and that of the gentleman I spoke to prior to you). Sigh! If only more companies were like yours." 

Mr F Bate, Devon


"My wife has used the PainSolv on her arthritic knees with great effect, so we are very pleased with the therapeutic results." 

Prof K Barber, Hampshire

"I have been suffering for the past five months with a severely swollen and painful thumb, which as I am 82 (very active though), I have put down to some form of osteoarthritis. I also suffer occasional gout. I have taken medication for the swollen thumb but have ended up with all sorts of side effects which have made me feel worse! I first heard of PainSolv through an email from someone and when I read that it came with a 60 day money back guarantee, I thought it was worth the risk so ordered one. I was totally surprised to find that within just 5 or 6 days, I was getting genuine pain relief and the swelling was also going down rapidly, to the extent that within two weeks, I am free of pain and swelling! I am so thrilled with the results I have had that I would enthusiastically recommend the product to anyone suffering any sort of pain! You can use this on your literature or website and I have taken your survey over the phone this morning!" 

Mr Wilkins, West Sussex

"I recently purchased a PainSolv from you to try and get help with several problems I have suffered for quite a long time, which have all hampered my lifestyle with my family. Having endured sciatica for quite a long period, deriving no benefit from prescription medication and over the counter remedies, I was amazed how quickly I gained relief using PainSolv. I have since used it very successfully on tennis elbow and a repetitive strain injury I experience in my wrist, which is due to a lot of fly-fishing! " 

Mr C Benham, Northants

"I'm very pleased with the benefits gained from using my PainSolv unit. I suffer from torn muscles & ligaments in my left shoulder (the result of a bicyling accident some years ago). The PainSolv certainly helps with easing the pain & I'm now sleeping much better." 

Mr R Layton, W Australia

"Some months ago I bought the PainSolv device you’ve been advertising. I was very doubtful, but as it was on a risk free 60 days trial it had to be some good. Anyway I was having trouble with my knees and I stopped going anywhere where there were any steps. Even three or four. I followed the instructions to the letter the first day. The second day I went up some steps just to see and my knees were fine. About six weeks later I went to Exeter by train and when we got there we discovered the lift was broken which meant a long climb up the stairs. About 35 of the things! As it was the only way I could get out of the station I had to do it somehow. I went up like a twenty year old and I am now 80. I was flabbergasted. It DOES really work.... It can be done while you are having a cup of tea watching the TV. Money well spent." 

D J Devon


"My wife of 86 has suffered from Arthritis for many years and I have tried all kinds of treatment to help her. She has always said that the gadgets advertised do not help and they are a waste of time and money. I went ahead recently and purchased your Pain Solv as it was on your trial offer. I gave it to my wife and told her how to use it which she has done on her knees and shoulders. My wife is delighted with the results – for a change - and I found her in the garden today doing clipping jobs with great satisfaction. I am therefore also delighted! Thank you very much." 

Mr J G Perth, Scotland

"Well, thank you very much indeed! I have been using my PainSolv for ten days and I am so excited about it I want to shout it from the rooftops! I will tell you more when I have given time for a few more miracles to happen and I have come down to earth (if I do!)" 

Ms I McGregor, Scotland

"I am overjoyed by the way that PAINSOLV relieves all my various aches and pains also that of my two sisters, for whom I bought one each some months ago. It is incredible! And THANK GOD without any Drugs or Medication and their side effects. With Very Best Wishes." 

Professor R Price, Italy

"Dear Sirs, A few months ago I bought one of your Painsolv stimulators, which I absolutely love. It has done wonders for me. I am 83 years old and have a knee problem, but as long as I use Painsolv regularly, I have no problems there. I must also commend you on your product support; when I had a wee problem, your reply,was prompt and helpful. Kind regards" 

Ms S O'Leary, New Zealand

"I have been using a Painsolv for several years for all of it’s functions. I have found it to give almost immediate relief from arthritic pain in various parts of the body. It has helped to clear up an ulcerous condition on my ankle, and has also been very effective in alleviating pain caused by stress - again with very fast effects. I definitely recommend it’s use instead of drugs to anyone with Arthritic or Stress related problems, and indeed two of my friends are now using Painsolv to advantage on my recomendation." 

Mr J Blinman


"After a freak accident years ago at an Enduro cross-country event, when I was an active 77 years old, I thought my active life was over due to sustaining a gluteal tendon detachment from the greater trochanter. This meant I had to give up my much-loved long walks across the fields, in the woods and up and down the hills around my farm and could only swim using my arms. I then bought a PainSolv MkIV, which made it possible for me to walk without a limp, even climbing gates and swimming with some leg movement. I have now invested in the new PainSolv MkV and it is so efficient at managing my hip pain! It has been an incredible product that has been instrumental in allowing me to move freely even now I am almost 80 (in April 2012)." 

Mrs J Cross, Devon

"Dear PainSolv Customer Services I wish to thank you for your prompt and very professional attitude! I appreciate what you have done for me with my damaged PainSolv and I am very grateful to you for sending me my product by return of post. To remind you, the reason I use the PainSolv very successfully is for my Fibromyalgia, Nerve damage repair, headaches, tension in my neck – I really do strongly recommend it! Thank you once again." 

Ms L Robinson, West Mids


"A few weeks ago our beloved Golden Retriever broke a nail in her front foot. I decided to try the PAINSOLV on her very painful toe. She could not put any weight on her foot. I was a bit skeptical because the last time this happened to her, we had to remove the toe nail and she limped for weeks. To my amazement she ran to retrieve her ball the next morning with no sign of pain!" 

Mrs R Retief, S Africa 


"PainSolv IS FANTASTIC. I have had a bad back for years, immediate pain relief using the Painsolv. Getting better each time I use it, had it since Monday so only 4 days of use. I had a bad fall in my 20's and I was also a ballet dancer. Now 40 years later the joints in sacroiliac are arthritic. When I use PS in the morning I can sit without pain, this normally takes a few hours. Also I have had a bad ear, recently had antibiotics for it. I used the Painsolv by my ear and the pain is less. I am also using it on Solar plexus as am fighting off a cold. I can't believe a little machine like this, can have such benefits. You can quote!" 

Ms MP, France


"During January 2010 my lovely wife Rose had a major back operation. She is now using the PAINSOLV device daily for lasting pain relief and healing." 

Dr G Retief, South Africa


“I’ve got fibromyalgia pain all over and this Activity Formula is so good realy helps don't need many pain medication either ,hubbys been using this on his back and it's the only thing that's realy helped his pain”

Clare Ison


“I was told about this Activity Formula by a golfing partner who uses it for their lower back discomfort so as I have the same sort of problem with my hip I thought it would be worth risking £16 on. I could not be more surprised as it has made a massive difference to my comfort level. I am almost used to the essential oil smell it leaves behind - but that is a small price to pay for the relief it gives you. Top product!”

B Thomas, Letchworth 



“Thank you so much for all your help and would you please thank the team too. I received the device yesterday and it looks as good as brand new. So pleased with your curtomer service. I know to only buy the device from your company for next time. Many thanks and Much appreciation”

Nitima Shrestha Priya


“What fantastic service! I had broken both my wife's and I painsolv machine over past four months so we needed at least one back working. We were worried because they were both quite old models we bought years ago, but the lady was amazing and has sent them back looking and working like they are brand new. Very impressed and telling all our friends! what a pleasure to deal with a company who doesn't rip you off at every opportunity”

Mr T Furlong, London


“I wanted to say thank you very much firstly for taking the trouble to look at my PainSolve Mark 4 and secondly to say a big Thank you for sending it back completely refurbished and with a new battery. It's not often you get a great personal customer service who are willing to go that bit further. So thank you. It is most appreciated. I have recommend this great piece of medical equipment to my friends and colleagues.”

Mumtaz, London


"I'm sooo impressed with your service, so quick to response with customer queries. I would like to say a big thank you to the team for their help and effort. I've bought quite a number of PainSolv, all from different sites and the fact that you've helped me so well has greatly impressed me. I've recommend your products to people and now I'm encouraged to recommend your site too. Many thanks!"

Ms N Shreshtha


"I was very pleased to receive my device free under your excellent replacement policy, which I had not expected! I have told my friends of this excellent customer service of which you should be proud!"

Mr P Ashton, Dorset


"I had really bad sinus congestion making my eyes feel puffy and the area around my nose and eyes was uncomfortable. I saw the product advertised in an NFOP publication so thought it might be worth a try. After using it for just two days I was feeling definite relief and now my sinuses appear clear. I will carry this around with me at the first sign of any recurrence now!"

Thomas Hamilton


“I have purchased the Natures Naturals Vanilla Lip balm and it is the best one yet. I have tried & tested many over the last 30 years from expensive Dr Hauschka to Nivea. I give the Natures Naturals Vanilla the big thumbs up !! It is absolutely wonderful”

Catherine Louise Jenner, Somerset


“I tried my partner's Tea Tree & Lime lip balm recently when I had to play golf for my club in windy, wet conditions and it was amazing! I normally end up with cold sores even in summer but I haven't got a hint of anything so far. You should sell this to men as well!!”

T Smith, Mkt Harboro


“One of my mates going on our golfing society trip to Spain told me he had got one of these Travel Care Kits and I thought he was a wimp, but when I read about it I had to get one for myself and my family. What a great idea to help with potential holiday health disasters. I've recommended this to the rest of our lads.”

Mr B Taylor, Wadebridge



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OSKAPULSE is a Class IIa Medical Device designed specifically for pain management and is a deep body tissue stimulator that uses PEMF (pulsed electromagnetic field) technology to deliver the therapy. 

It is CE-certified  for Europe and ARTG certified for Australia ARTG 369331

No product or advice on this website is intended to replace your current medication, or diagnose, treat or cure any condition. 

No information on this site is intended to be prescriptive.
Please consult your doctor if you are concerned about your health.

Please note that all images on this website are for illustration purposes only, as manufacturers all reserve the right to make design changes to products in order to improve them.

© 2016 Freedom Health Products, Perth, Western Australia. All rights reserved.

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